New Orleans
Green Bay
Two menus look like an early on lock with Philly and New Orleans.
The Eagles will be a flank steak based Philly Cheese Steak. We will need additional meat slicers as Bash is at slicing capacity. And Paul, the griddle is a must. Plus bring any weapons you have. Eagles fans suck. Oh this will be good eating. Caramelized onions, peppers, cheese.....

The Saints will be Jambalaya. Last two years this has been A+. Donations of shrimp, sausage and chicken please. I can smell the onions, green peppers and celery cooking in garlic olive oil. Tree we need bowls and spoons. I'll remember the ladle this time. Pan fried corn bread would be good too. I'll work on that off season.

Early consideration is for Green Bay to be Brats and Houston pulled beef and pulled pork barbecue.

This still leaves open slots for gourmet hamburgers and Carolina hotdogs.
The best tailgate game day. Win or lose, you will have fun.